Sharing Your Faith

Sharing Your Faith

Do you ever feel hesitant about sharing your faith or your experiences with God - whether it’s in person or on social media? Sometimes I do. I’ve caught myself holding back from sharing because I worry that I will say something wrong, miss an important point or that no one will care, or relate to my experience.

Here are two perspectives that encourage me to share when I feel like holding back.

1. When I fear I will say something wrong or miss an important point

The Samaritan woman written about in John 4 taught me not to worry as much for this. She shared a simple testimony about what she saw and experienced at the well and because of that many people came to Christ (John 4:39).

Notice I said simple testimony -only- because it was not a radical, life changing story like being healed from blindness or made able to walk. But what she shared was enough to open people’s appetite that they came to Him for themselves and when they did, they realized and believed that he was the Savior.

2. When I think no one will care or relate

Stories about how God has worked in other people’s life have helped and encourage me when I’ve gone through similar situations. I see in them the hope that I long for.

If we relate to -and with- others when we post about our kids, or spouses, or the things that we do on a daily – then we might relate about God. Right?

We may not know the impact that our messages will have. But who knows, there might just be someone scrolling and scrolling through Instagram to come across your message or my message that reminds them that they are loved, forgiven, protected, and supported by Jesus and that might just change their life.

Then my story (or your story) can be a key to unlock someone else’s prison.

So don’t hold back! Share your God stories freely, openly, and as often as possible. 

If you resonate with this message please feel free to comment below and/or share your story. Someone out there just might need to hear exactly what you have to share.



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